pro nft's & AI 'art'. Zionist. sexualizes children, anti-BLM/Stop Asian Hate. TERF. anti neopronouns. actively support problematic actors/creators. fakeclaims systems. ship sylki. mcu wanda fan. actively posts hate of my faves |
i love...
SoKE (son of kal-el), ♡ jayjon, young avengers, supersons, x-kids (nxm, watxm, gen x), SIKTC & house of slaughter, snotgirl. |
jayjon, ghostmaker. supersons. young avengers. gen X-kids. jarthur. |
go back HOME !
some mcu/nmcu/dceu. fox's 911 & 911 lonestar. dead boy detectives. podcasts (the magnus archives. wolf 359. malevolent. red valley. night vale.)
mostly post about these on my second account ♡ !
I add alt text on public posts on main, pls inform me if I'm doing it wrong or you need me to add them elsewhere! don't use tone signals often. I rly only post abt jayjon :). I am critical of every media I enjoy & its creators. I have notifs filtered so sorry if I don't respond! please dm me if I did/said something wrong/offensive
my art ✦ multifandom ✦ LoCG